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Client API

Basic interface to 3-rd party applications. More...


file  lirc_client.h
 3-rd party application interface.

Data Structures

struct  lirc_cmd_ctx


int lirc_init (const char *prog, int verbose)
int lirc_deinit (void)
int lirc_readconfig (const char *path, struct lirc_config **config, int(check)(char *s))
void lirc_freeconfig (struct lirc_config *config)
char * lirc_nextir (void)
char * lirc_ir2char (struct lirc_config *config, char *code)
int lirc_nextcode (char **code)
int lirc_code2char (struct lirc_config *config, char *code, char **string)
int lirc_readconfig_only (const char *file, struct lirc_config **config, int(check)(char *s))
int lirc_code2charprog (struct lirc_config *config, char *code, char **string, char **prog)
size_t lirc_getsocketname (const char *id, char *buf, size_t size)
const char * lirc_getmode (struct lirc_config *config)
const char * lirc_setmode (struct lirc_config *config, const char *mode)
int lirc_command_init (lirc_cmd_ctx *ctx, const char *fmt,...)
int lirc_command_run (lirc_cmd_ctx *ctx, int fd)
void lirc_command_reply_to_stdout (lirc_cmd_ctx *ctx)
int lirc_send_one (int fd, const char *remote, const char *keysym)
int lirc_simulate (int fd, const char *remote, const char *keysym, int scancode, int repeat)
int lirc_get_remote_socket (const char *address, int port, int quiet)
int lirc_get_local_socket (const char *path, int quiet)

Detailed Description

Basic interface to 3-rd party applications.

The lirc_client interface is the basic interface for 3-rd party applications using lirc. It provides functions to retrieve , send and control button events to/from remotes.

Receiving events from remotes could be done according to the following example, a stripped down version of the irexec(1) tool.

   #include "lirc_client.h"

   int main(int argc, char* argv[])
       const char* lircrc_path;
       struct lirc_config* config;
       char* code;
       char* s;

       // Check arguments... use argv[1] as lircrc config file path.
       lircrc_path = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : NULL;

       if (lirc_init("mythtv", 1) == -1) {
           // Process error and exit
       if (lirc_readconfig(lircrc_path, &config, NULL) != 0) {
           // Process error and exit.
       while (lirc_nextcode(&code) == 0) {
           if (code == NULL) continue;
           while (lirc_code2char(config, code, &s) == 0 && s != NULL) {
               // Do something with string s.

Some notes:

Sending (blasting) is done according to following:

#include "lirc_client.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int fd;

    fd = lirc_get_local_socket(NULL, 0);
    if (fd < 0) {
        // Process error
    if (lirc_send_one(fd, "name of remote", "Key symbol") == -1) {
        // Process errors


Function Documentation

int lirc_code2char ( struct lirc_config config,
char *  code,
char **  string 

Translate a code string to an application string using .lircrc. An translation might return more than one string so this function should be called several times until *string == NULL.

configParsed lircrc data from e. g. lirc_readconfig().
codeCode string e. g., as from lirc_nextcode().
stringOn successfull exit points to a static application string, NULL if no more translations are available.
-1 on errors, else 0.

Definition at line 1792 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_command_init ( lirc_cmd_ctx ctx,
const char *  fmt,

Initiate a lirc_cmd_ctx to run a command.

ctxUndefined om input, ready to execute on exit.
fmt,...printf-style formatting for command. Don't forget trailing "\n"!
0 on OK, else a kernel error code.
Simple example: lirc_command_init(&ctx, "CODE %s\\n", code);

Definition at line 104 of file lirc_client.c.

void lirc_command_reply_to_stdout ( lirc_cmd_ctx ctx)

Set command_ctx write_to_stdout flag. When set, the reply payload is written to stdout instead of the default behavior to store it in ctx->reply.


Definition at line 121 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_command_run ( lirc_cmd_ctx ctx,
int  fd 

Run a command in non-blocking mode.

ctxInitiated data on enter, possibly reply payload in ctx->reply on exit.
fdOpen file connected to a lircd output socket.
0 on OK, else a kernel error code (possibly EAGAIN).

Definition at line 179 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_deinit ( void  )

Release resources allocated by lirc_init(), basically disconnect from socket.

Definition at line 353 of file lirc_client.c.

void lirc_freeconfig ( struct lirc_config config)

Deallocate an object retrieved using lirc_readconfig().

Definition at line 1513 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_get_local_socket ( const char *  path,
int  quiet 

Return an opened and connected file descriptor to local lirc socket.

pathPath to socket. If NULL use LIRC_SOCKET_PATH in environment, falling back to a hardcoded lircd default.
quietIf true, don't write error messages on stderr.
positive file descriptor on success, else a negated kernel error code.

Definition at line 2028 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_get_remote_socket ( const char *  address,
int  port,
int  quiet 

Return an opened and connected file descriptor to remote lirc socket.

addressRemote host to connect to.
portTCP port. If <= 0 uses hardcoded default LIRC_INET_PORT.
quietIf true, don't write error messages on stderr.
positive file descriptor on success, else a negated kernel error code.

Definition at line 2050 of file lirc_client.c.

const char* lirc_getmode ( struct lirc_config config)

Get mode defined in lircrc. Will use lircrcd if available, else local data.

configParsed lircrc file as obtained from lirc_readconfig() or lirc_readconfig_only().
Current mode or NULL on errors.

Definition at line 1918 of file lirc_client.c.

size_t lirc_getsocketname ( const char *  id,
char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Retrieve default lircrcd socket path.

idOptional socket id, defaults (id == NULL) to "default".
bufReturn buffer.
sizeSize of return buffer.
-1 on errors, else 0.

Definition at line 1909 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_init ( const char *  prog,
int  verbose 

Initial setup: connect to lircd socket.

progName of client in logging contexts.
verboseAmount of debug info on stdout.
positive file descriptor or -1 + error in global errno.

Definition at line 332 of file lirc_client.c.

char* lirc_ir2char ( struct lirc_config config,
char *  code 

Definition at line 1705 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_nextcode ( char **  code)

Get next available code from the lircd daemon.

codeUndefined on enter. On exit either NULL if no complete code was available, else a pointer to a malloc()'d code string. Caller should eventually free() this.
-1 on errors, else 0 indicating either a complete code in *code or that nothing was available.

Definition at line 1851 of file lirc_client.c.

char* lirc_nextir ( void  )

Definition at line 1833 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_readconfig ( const char *  path,
struct lirc_config **  config,
int(check)(char *s)   

Parse a lircrc configuration file. This function will also try to connect to a lircrcd instance on the default socket which is derived from path.

pathPath to lircrc config file. If NULL the default file is used.
configUndefined omn enter, on successfull exit a pointer to an allocated lirc_config instance.
checkCallback function called with each configured application string as argument. Returns 0 if string is OK, else -1.
-1 on errors, else 0.

Definition at line 1426 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_readconfig_only ( const char *  file,
struct lirc_config **  config,
int(check)(char *s)   

Parse a lircrc configuration file without connecting to lircrcd.

pathPath to lircrc config file. If NULL the default file is used.
configUndefined omn enter, on successfull exit a pointer to an allocated lirc_config instance.
checkCallback function called with each configured application string as argument. Returns o if string is OK, else -1.
-1 on errors, else 0.

Definition at line 1505 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_send_one ( int  fd,
const char *  remote,
const char *  keysym 

Send keysym using given remote. This call might block for some time since it involves communication with lircd.

fdFile descriptor for lircd socket. This must not be the descriptor returned by lirc_init(); open the socket using lirc_get_local_socket() or lirc_get_remote_socket()k instead.
remoteName of remote, the 'name' attribute in the config file.
keysymThe code to send, as defined in the config file.
-1 on errors, else 0.

Definition at line 1967 of file lirc_client.c.

const char* lirc_setmode ( struct lirc_config config,
const char *  mode 

Set mode defined in lircrc. Will use lircrcd if available, else use local data.

configParsed lircrc file as obtained from lirc_readconfig() or lirc_readconfig_only().
modeA new mode defined in lircrc.
New mode, should match mode unless there is errors.

Definition at line 1939 of file lirc_client.c.

int lirc_simulate ( int  fd,
const char *  remote,
const char *  keysym,
int  scancode,
int  repeat 

Send a simulated lirc event.This call might block for some time since it involves communication with lircd.

fdFile descriptor for lircd socket. This must not be the descriptor returned by lirc_init; open the socket using lirc_get_local_socket() or lirc_get_remote_socket() instead.
remoteName of remote, the 'name' attribute in the config file.
keysymThe code to send, as defined in the config file.
scancodeThe code bound the keysym in teh config file.
repeatNumber indicating how many times this code has been repeated, starts at 0, increased for each repetition.
-1 on errors, else 0.

Definition at line 1982 of file lirc_client.c.